UNE graduates pose 在波特兰的十字保险竞技场


UNE honored the next generation of innovators with the conferral of over 1,500 degrees on 5月18日

The University of 新英格兰 awarded more than 1,500年学士, 硕士, doctoral degrees at its 189th Commencement ceremony on Saturday, 5月18日, 在波特兰的十字保险竞技场, 表示的字段 医学, 口腔医学, 药店, 联合医疗专业, 海洋与环境科学, 人文学科, 社会科学, 教育, 业务.

The University welcomed Bernie Sanders, a U.S. senator from 佛蒙特州 and the longest-serving independent member of Congress in U.S. history, who delivered the University’s Commencement address. 桑德斯和亚瑟·阿特·P. 吉拉德, whose vision and generosity have been instrumental to UNE’s growth over the past decade, were both awarded the honorary Doctor of Laws during the ceremony.

UNE graduates watch the ceremony from their seats
A graduate watches the ceremony from her seat
U.S. 参议员伯尼·桑德斯 speaks at the podium
Two graduates take a selfie with a smartphone

UNE获奖人1余名,500年学士, 硕士, doctoral degrees to graduates at the Cross Insurance Arena on 5月18日, 2024, capping a weekend of festivities celebrating the Class of 2024.

Sanders is serving his third term in the Senate after winning reelection in 2018. He gained strong support during his two runs for president, coming in second in both the 2016 and 2020 Democratic primaries. He used his address to speak to the need for increased 教育 of health care professionals to address persistent nationwide workforce shortages and systemic inequalities in access to care.

“You are doing what far too few universities are doing,” Sanders said, referring to UNE’s status as 无. 1 provider of health care professionals for the state of Maine. “This university is taking a look at the crises facing our country and are saying, ‘How do we get our young people out into the world to address those crises?’"

你会有力量的, 的能量, 视觉上, the morality that will turn this nation around and make it the beautiful nation that we know it can become.” — U.S. 参议员伯尼·桑德斯


新墨西哥州有缅因州唯一的 医学院, 牙科学院, 医师助理学位课程 and boasts some of the highest nurse licensing exam pass rates 在B.S.N. 本州的项目. UNE health professions students additionally study on the only integrated health sciences campus in northern 新英格兰.

“A key part of what we have to do as a nation is train the next generation of doctors, 护士, 牙医, 药剂师, others to provide the highest quality of care that the people in Maine, 佛蒙特州, 新英格兰, 而这个国家迫切需要, 而这正是你正在做的,桑德斯对毕业生和他们的家人说.

观看2024年毕业典礼的精彩片段. 观看整个仪式 YouTube

Sanders has twice called on UNE President James Herbert to testify before the before the U.S. 参议院卫生委员会, 教育, 劳动, Pensions Subcommittee on Primary 健康 and Retirement Security in Washington, D.C.,全球网络赌博平台health care workforce shortage and methods to improve it

毕业典礼上, Herbert said Sanders’ leadership in advocating for health care reform directly reflects 全球网络赌博平台的教育使命.

UNE President James Herbert smiles at the podium

UNE校长James D. Herbert congratulated graduates and complimented their innovative spirit.

“Sanders’ commitment to being an innovator aligns with UNE’s history of thinking outside the box in terms of the programs we develop, 我们追求的伙伴关系, 以及我们为学生提供的教育,他说. 当我们说, “为更健康的地球而创新”,’ we are signaling to the world that we are committed to preparing graduates who are ready to apply innovative solutions to the problems we all face … through programs specifically tailored to empower students to support the health of the world’s people, 社区, 自然环境.”

In his speech, Sanders acknowledged that the U.S. faces several hardships, political gridlock, socioeconomic burdens among them. He called upon graduates to apply their 教育 and innovate to create meaningful societal meaningful change.

"You are entering the workforce at a very difficult time in American history,他说. “但我们全靠你了, 满怀信心, 你会有足够的力量, 的能量, 视觉上, the morality that will turn this nation around and make it the beautiful nation that we know it can become.”

新闻 of the 2024 Commencement ceremony has been featured in the 波特兰先驱报, 肯纳贝克河杂志, 雅虎! 新闻, Wgme CBS 13, 福克斯23缅因州, 《全球网赌十大平台》.